Blending rhythms in the fresh air

Today was “sports day” for St. Augustine School, so we met the students at Little Bay field instead of at the school.

Luckily the rain held off and it was a beautiful afternoon! This was the first time that we had the drumming circle right next to the dancing circle, so it was a good opportunity to try “blending” the rhythms. While the drummers played, the dancers inched closer and closer so they could hear the rhythm better. It wasn’t easy, especially when the drumming sped up–it required some fast feet! We have a few weeks to practice before we start blending the classes for real.

Talent in both groups is really starting to shine, and now at St. Augustine we are also getting a few “cross over” students who are participating in both dancing and drumming.


Today Kate also explained her Irish claddagh ring to some of the girls: the hands represent friendship, the crown represents loyalty, and the heart represents love. Friendship, loyalty, and love!


St. Augustine dancers review 3s, 7s, and rhythm patterns

The girls at St. Augustine proved that they’ve been practicing in the past week, because their 3s and 7s were much improved! As it turns out, the school is up the street from our house, so I was delighted the other day when I passed by during their break and caught them practicing 🙂

They also learned some new footwork patterns, which they picked up with no problem at all. Some of these girls are real mathematicians when it comes to breaking down rhythm counts. Dance–it’s both mind and body!

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The younger class (Kindergarten – Grade 2) learns to dance Cotton-Eyed Joe, an old favorite from the O’Neill-James School of Irish Dance in Washington, DC

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The older class (Grade 3 – Grade 6) reviews their 3s and 7s from last week, showing some serious improvement

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The “model walk” is not a traditional Irish dance, but we tacked it onto the end of the dance anyway, just for fun. These girls can show some attitude!

Day 1 at Montserrat Secondary School

Numbers were small at Montserrat Secondary School workshops this afternoon, but it didn’t matter. This lucky student got a private djembe lesson! Among the rhythms learned were koteba breaks, including lamba and kassa. The room was small and hot, but it had some great acoustics!

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Learning the counts for hand positions

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Getting the hang of the rhythm pattern

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Djembes spread joy!

Looking forward to next week and hopefully a few more students!

Adults learn kassa from Guinea and sean nĂłs from Connemara

Week 2 of the adult drumming workshops covered kassa rhythms from Guinea. We learned to play after the “break,” and had half the circle playing one rhythm while the other half played another. It wasn’t easy, but after some practice, it sounded pretty awesome. I think I speak for most when I say that our hands are pretty sore today!

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Here is a short video of the kassa rhythm:

Week 2 of the adult dance workshops was also successful: we reviewed sean-nĂłs (old style) steps from last week and then reviewed the “3s” before attempting a cĂ©ili dance (a variation of the Walls of Limerick). Everyone was sweating and smiling by the end!

Boys learn to céili swing

The boys at Lookout/Brades schools learned their first figure dance yesterday, which involved some basic Irish cĂ©ili dance movements such as “advance and retire,” chaining past each other, and swinging. They were instructed to swing as enthusiastically as possible, and they definitely rose to the occasion. Now we just have to keep them standing up and ready for the next part of the dance after swinging! 🙂

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Day 1 at St. Augustine School

We had a fun first day of workshops at St. Augustine School! A big “thank you” to Mrs. Claudia Skerritt, head teacher at St. Augustine, for helping us with the registration and organization.

There were about 30 students the drumming class and about 30 in the dance class, and we split them into 2 half-hour groups of 15 students. It seems that the girls are more interested in the dancing while the boys are more interested in drumming, but there were a few girls in the drumming class as well. We had just enough drums for all the children and decided to split up the groups by grade (K-2 and 3-5). We wanted to make it possible for some of the children to do both drumming and dancing, but none of them was interested in doing both.

The drummers practiced in the outside assembly area and the dancers took the Kindergarten classroom, which has a good solid floor. Both groups learned basic rhythms and were taught to put patterns together. One of the dancers added a “clap” to the “sevens” side step, which was a great addition to the basic Irish dance step. This kind of creative input is exactly what these workshops are about!

It was a promising start, seeing how much talent these children have. They have a great sense of rhythm and their energy is infectious.

We are looking forward to next week so we can continue building on the fundamentals and work towards a performance piece during St. Patrick’s Festival!

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Drummers learn a basic rhythm pattern with a clap

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Dancers learn to “advance” and “retire” and do a side step

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The girls say “cheese” after an energetic class

A short video of some of the rhythm patterns the students learned:

First day of workshops

We had a great first day of workshops!

First, we went to the Lookout/Brades primary schools in Lookout and had a huge number of students! It turned out that the boys wanted to drum first and the girls wanted to dance first, so the groups were split by boys and girls.

We were able to gather a good number of conga drums from across the island for the workshops. They’re not djembes, but the drums are similar enough, and we hope to have some djembes here soon so that students can learn the technique on the correct drum.


The kids were energetic and caught on really quickly to both the drumming and the dancing! It’s exciting to see so much innate rhythm in the students.

In the evening, we taught our first adult workshops at the Old Primary School in Salem. Again, we were thrilled to see such a great turnout. There were over 20 students in each workshop! The drumming class was first, and Dominique taught some basic rhythms like “lamba” and other patterns.

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Kate taught the Irish dance class after a short break, and she showed students the basic “threes” and “sevens” of Irish step dance, as well as some basic patterns from “old style” sean nĂłs Irish dance.

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At the end, Kate and Dominique gave an impromptu “blended rhythms” demonstration: Irish dancing to African drumming!

We received great feedback from the participants and are excited to develop and improve the workshops further as we progress towards St. Patrick’s Day here in Montserrat.

Here is a video of the first adult workshops:

Paddywhackery in Montserrat

PaddywhackeryOn St. Patrick’s Day, there is “Irishness” all over Montserrat. There are shamrocks and Irish flags in shops and pubs, and most of the tourist (and many locals too!) get completely decked out in “paddywhackery.”

In Ireland and the US, these symbols signify Irish pride, but in Montserrat they inspire freedom across national, cultural, racial, and ethnic boundaries. Some might even say that in Montserrat, the people are more Irish than the Irish themselves, as this man from Co. Sligo says during a documentary interview in 2004 (starting at 6:14):

Paddywhackery at the Green Monkey

Jalikunda at V’s Bar

Jalikunda at V's BarJalikunda rocked V’s Bar at the “rum tour” during the St. Patrick’s Week festivities in 2013. The rousing rhythms had everyone moving!

There have been many conversations about Jalikunda returning next year and about how to further develop the African Music Festival, especially getting out into the community more and teaching more workshops. Blended Rhythms hopes to team up with the members of Jalikunda (and, of course, Dominique is one of them!) to bring together an African/Irish rhythm extravaganza!